Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6afbl--ze8
These two works are not in the show but could enhance it. The first (functioning ironically) is Dog Biscuit in Glass Jar of William Wegman's puppy trying to extract a biscuit from a glass bottle. People who like dogs may be uncomfortable watching this video.

Video: www.catherinechalmers.com/videos.cfm?view_photo=3
The second is Burning at the Stake by Catherine Chalmers (who has a different piece in the show). Even though nobody likes cockroaches, this is surprisingly not easy to watch. If you like this piece you may like Safari which is another video by Chalmers. Below is a list of resources from the show's website.
Intelligent Design: Interspecies Art <sweeney.ucr.edu>
After Darwin <www.nhm.ac.uk/visit-us/whats-on/expressions/expressions-exhibition/index.html>
Animalkind <artgallery.sdsu.edu/exhibitions/2009_animalkind/>
Becoming Animal <www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=310>
Hybridity: The Evolution of Species and Spaces in 21st-Century Art <www.21cmuseum.org/museum/exhibits/hybridity.aspx>
Interspecies <www.artscatalyst.org/projects/global/interspecies.html>
Steve Baker. Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity and Representation. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
John Berger. "Why Look at Animals" in About Looking. NY: Pantheon Books, 1980.
Donna Haraway. When Species Meet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
J.M. Coetzee. The Lives of Animals. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Linda and Amy Fitzgerald Kalof, editors. The Animals Reader. Oxford and New York: Berg Press, 2007.
The Animal Gaze <www.animalgaze.org/>
Eco-Centric Topics <avant-guardians.com/ecocentric.html>
Green Museum <greenmuseum.org/>
Interspecies <www.greenpeople.org/webpage.cfm?memid=1703&pmtlevel=0&linkpage=http://www.interspecies.com>
Interspecies Collaboration <www.interspeciescollaboration.net/>
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