Monday, January 18, 2010

Eduardo Kac's GFP Bunny, Genpets

[From] 'Alba, the green fluorescent bunny, is an albino rabbit. She only glows when illuminated with blue light. She was created with EGFP, an enhanced version of the original wild-type green fluorescent gene found in the jellyfish Aequorea Victoria. EGFP gives about two orders of magnitude greater fluorescence in mammalian cells (including human cells) than the original jellyfish gene.'

[From] 'Genpets are pre-packaged, bioengineered pets... They are living, breathing genetic animals. We use a process called "Zygote Micro Injection" which is quickly becoming a favourable method to combine DNA, or to insert certain proteins from different species. Most notably it was used in 1997 to splice mice with bioluminescent jellyfish (link) and has since been used to create glowing rabbits, pigs, fish, and monkeys (link). Since then, human DNA has been injected into rabbits, chimpanzees, spider DNA into sheep, and now, Genpets...'

Adam Brandejs, creator of Genpets, also made this animatronic flesh shoe. [From Adam's website] 'The shoe is stitched together with multiple pieces of latex rubber cast out of molds made from my own skin. The shoe's toe and heel raise and lower as it occasionally vibrates/pulsates, and twitches on the floor as if it were still alive.'


  1. Thanks a lot!!!!
    So Gooood Page..….
    NIce post

  2. Isso é nojento, asqueroso. Brincar de Deus é uma coisa totalmente insana, demoníaca, irresponsável.
    Essa coisa bizarra chamada GENPET é a maior aberração que essas criaturas que se intitulam geneticistas já fizeram na
    vida. VÃO ARRUMAR ALGUMA COISA ÚTIL PARA FAZER, BANDO DE RIDICULÓIDES! Essas aberrações que vocês têm feito
    são originárias da vontade satânica daquele ser das trevas que sempre teve a compulsão doentia de tentar se igualar a
    Deus Criador. Estão criando monstros dentro da ordem natural das coisas. Isso terá consequências, como toda a interferência que há na natureza. Vocês vão pagar o preço disso.

  3. IUAshias, Mirantesul acreditou. E ainda ameaça. Quem é você pra dizer o que é "ordem natural"? algum tipo de deus?
